Charlotte loves to show off her toothy grin these days. Her first tooth looks huge and now another one has popped through. We have been very lucky, as she hasn't given any indication that she has been bothered by teething process.
The weather has been beautiful for the last couple of days, so last night Dave and I decided to take Miss Charlotte for a walk around the neighborhood in her stroller. While I was buckling her in I accidentally pinched her little leg in the harness...OMG she screamed. I felt horrible and she ended up needing a band-aid. Poor girl. Once we got everything back in ordered we tried again and she had a great time looking around outside. She fell asleep about halfway through the walk, still holding onto her toy.

Lastly, I couldn't resist taking a few shots of Charlotte's new pink spring dress this morning. As you can tell by the look on her face, she was in quite a goofy mood.

Congratulations on baby #2! That is sooooo exciting!