Last weekend was Easter and we had so many nice things to do! I was confirmed and received first communion at Christ the King Church at the Easter Vigil service, it was great. Thanks to all the people who helped me through RCIA.
On Saturday our friend Sara Maxey took pictures of Charlotte in Ault Park. She has sent us a few teasers and they look amazing! I can't wait to see the rest of them.
Charlotte had a blast on her first Easter. Dave and I gave her an Easter basket in the morning. It was filled with plastic eggs and a stuffed bunny. Even though each egg was stuffed with puffs and cheerios she thought it was more fun to shake them like rattles.

Later in the day we went to Grandma and Grandpa Cooley's house. Charlotte was able to debut the Easter dress that Daddy picked out for her. I think she looked like a little princess.

And I have to add the shots that Dave took in the yard...they are just too darn cute. I think he's getting pretty good at this photography thing!