Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Sippy Cup

Last night Dave and I decided to assemble Charlotte's high chair so she could sit at the dinner table with us. She really liked it, specially since we put a few toys on the tray for her to play with. She needs to get used to sitting here because soon it will be time for her to start eating solid foods.

Then I decided to give her a sippy cup to play with. I didn't expect her to do much but bang it around. I held the empty cup up to her mouth and much to my surprise she grabbed it with both hands and attempted to drink out of it!! I quickly added a few tablespoons of water and gave it back to her. Wouldn't you know, she started to drink it all by herself. She had never tasted water (or anything but breast milk for that matter) so the look on her face was priceless. She spit it right out and tried drinking it again. She made many attempts to drink the water and actually swallowed a few sips. Although most of it ended up soaking the from of her shirt. I am so proud of her!

And finally, before bed, she played on her activity mat and Zoe decided to join her. I couldn't miss this photo-opp.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The Big Girl

Charlotte had her 4 month check up on Monday night. She has consistantly been in the 75th percentile for height and weight since she was born...until now. She is a whopping 15lbs 8oz and is 25 3/4 inches long. This puts her in the 89th percentile for weight and 95th for height!!! I just double checked the CDC growth chart to make sure the doctor was correct, I can hardly believe it. We were also given the okay to start solids at 5 months if we want to. YEA!!

Charlotte has been showing how grown up she is latley. We went out to lunch with Grandpa Maher and she sat in the big girl high chair while we ate, and loved it. She stared accross the table and babbled to Grandpa every time he had to answer his work phone.

Speaking of awesome babies, Charlotte would like to send a "shout out" to her buddy Leo. Congrats on sitting up unassisted, such the little man. Did I mention he is only 5 months old?

Monday, November 9, 2009

Charlotte and Friends Weekend

Charlotte had such a fun and busy weekend. She was able to visit two of her favorite buddies, Abe and Leo.

Saturday night we went to the Hiltz's house for some wine and a baby play date. Charlotte hasn't seen Abe in a few weeks and she couldn't stop talking to him. We held them up looking at eachother and Charlotte babbled on and on and on. Abe stared at her like she was a little crazy. As soon as we put Charlotte to bed, Abe started talking up a storm. We all laughed because we knew that he was learning fast...when there is a girl around it's best to keep quite.

Sunday, Miss Charlotte and I went to a baby wearing class with Sarah and Leo. Before the class they played on the floor together. Charlotte loved talking to Leo too! Her Daddy is going to be in big trouble when she gets a little older, she enjoys talking to boys way too much. She was in awe of Leo's physical strength, that little booger was up on his hands and knees ready to crawl! I hope she was taking notes on how to enjoy tummy time so she can keep up with him.

Oh, and I must mention that Charlotte turned 4 months old on Sunday. Such a big girl. However, being a 4 month old came with her first stuffy nose.... Doh! She sounded so congested last night. She was not happy when I used the salene spray and snot sucker on her nose, but it helped her sleep better. I hope this doesn't last long.