Saturday night we went to the Hiltz's house for some wine and a baby play date. Charlotte hasn't seen Abe in a few weeks and she couldn't stop talking to him. We held them up looking at eachother and Charlotte babbled on and on and on. Abe stared at her like she was a little crazy. As soon as we put Charlotte to bed, Abe started talking up a storm. We all laughed because we knew that he was learning fast...when there is a girl around it's best to keep quite.
Sunday, Miss Charlotte and I went to a baby wearing class with Sarah and Leo. Before the class they played on the floor together. Charlotte loved talking to Leo too! Her Daddy is going to be in big trouble when she gets a little older, she enjoys talking to boys way too much. She was in awe of Leo's physical strength, that little booger was up on his hands and knees ready to crawl! I hope she was taking notes on how to enjoy tummy time so she can keep up with him.
Oh, and I must mention that Charlotte turned 4 months old on Sunday. Such a big girl. However, being a 4 month old came with her first stuffy nose.... Doh! She sounded so congested last night. She was not happy when I used the salene spray and snot sucker on her nose, but it helped her sleep better. I hope this doesn't last long.

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